Legumes in traditional medicine play a key role in the world. In majority of countries, especially in Iran and China, western and traditional medicine has been practiced side by side of each other. The aim of this study is to review bioactive components and chemical constituents of some important legumes in East of Asia. All relevant papers in English language of researchers and scholars from various countries gathered. The soybean itself is composed of approximately 40% protein, 20% oil, 35% carbohydrates, and 5% trace minerals and other compounds. The most important functional components of soy are α-Linolenic acid, isoflavones, lecithins, lectins, linoleic acid, peptides, phytosterols, protein and saponin. Peanuts are considered an important source of oil, folate, antioxidants, protein, and essential fatty acids (linoleic), and it ranked fourth in oilseed crops in the world after soybeans, rapeseed, and cotton. Peanuts are considered an important source of oil, folate, antioxidants, protein, and essential fatty acids (linoleic), and it ranked fourth in oilseed crops in the world after soybeans, rapeseed, and cotton. It has been revealed the presence of flavonoids, tannins, terpenoids, saponins, steroids, alkaloids by positive reaction with the respective test reagent. Cow peas are valuable source of protein, carbohydrate, mineral and vitamins, and it also contain biologically active components including phenols, phytic acid, saponin, oligosaccharides, fiber and etc. Nutrition therapy according to traditional Asian medicine by considering tremendous benefits of legumes is quite effective at not only treating common diseases, but also its prevention.
Key words: Soybean; Peanuts; Cowpea; Bioactive Components; Legume; Traditional Medicine