The aim of our
study was an anthropophysiological justification for the hemodynamic
basis of the pressor (hyperresistive) installation in the circulatory
state of the cardio-vascular system (CVS).
Materials and methods. For the analysis, prefabricated materials were
used according to agespecific blood pressure standards (BP),
supplemented with their calculated data on the yearly increase in blood
pressure values and were combined with the stages of postnatal
adaptation of the CVS for the gravitational factor of the blood
circulation. Based on the clinical observational study, an
anthropophysiological diagnosis of the circulatory state of the CVS
with a systemic assessment of the arterial impedance were carried out
for the main circulatory blocks of the blood circulation (head, lungs,
abdomen, pelvis, thigh, shin).
Results. It was shown that with a permanent increase in blood pressure
during postnatal ontogenesis, its highest increments were noted at the
initial stages of the formation of the upright. This dynamic was based
on a system pressor set in the regulation of the circulatory state of
the CVS, which manifested itself, especially when standing, in the
prevalence of hyperresistive syndromes of arterial vessels. The most
pronounced throughout postnatal ontogenesis, hyperresistant syndromes
in the standing position were manifested in the pelvis and lower limbs
regions. Conclusions. Anthropophysiological approach, including
syndromic analysis, were allowed early diagnosis of circulatory
conditions that underlie circulatory failure.