The aim of the
present study was to estimate the cohabitation effect of two invasive
amphipods species (Gammarus lacustris
and Gmelinoides fasciatus)
by the cellular stress markers such as activity of antioxidant enzymes
(peroxidase, catalase, glutathione S-transferase) and content of heat
shock protein 70 (HSP70).
Changes of antioxidant enzymes activity were shown in both amphipods
species. It was observed that in G.
lacustris cohabitation with other species led to the activation
of all studied enzymes, whereas in G. fasciatus
only peroxidase activity alteration was recorded. Notably, the
activation of all studied enzymes was short-term. There were no changes
of HSP70 content for both species.
According to obtained data less sensitivity of G. fasciatus stress markers can be
one of the key advantages for further successful distribution and
adaptation to the new conditions.