Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry, 2014, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 13-24 ISSN 1997-0838
Original Text Copyright (cc) 2014 by   Lyubushkina, Fedyaeva, Pobezhimova, Stepanov and Rikhvanov

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QueryDate : 2016-12-24
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Activation of Cell Death in the Sugar Cane Suspension Culture by the Exposure to High Temperature

I.V. Lyubushkina1,2*, A.V. Fedyaeva1, T.P. Pobezhimova1, A.V. Stepanov1, E.G. Rikhvanov1

1 Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, PO 317, Irkutsk, 664033, Russia
2 Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia


Received July 7, 2014

The process of cell death in a sugar cane suspension culture after exposure to high temperature (45, 50, 55 and 60 °C) during 10 min has been studied. It has been revealed that treatment of cell culture at  50 °C did not cause an immediate cell death, but 50% of the cells were dying for the next 48 h. Exposure of cell culture to more high temperature (55 - 60 °C) caused a massive cell death occurred instantly after treatment. The development of cell death after the treatment at 50 °C was accompanied by the protoplast condensation, increased generation of reactive oxygen species and hyperpolarization of the mitochondrial inner membrane. Obtained results indicate on the active character of the cell death process, induced by the moderate heat shock in sugar cane suspension culture.

Key words:    Saccharum officinarum L., suspension culture, high temperatures, programmed cell death, reactive oxygen species, electrochemical transmembrane potential

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