Journal of Stress Physiology &
Biochemistry, Vol. 9 No. 3
2013, pp. 169-180 ISSN 1997-0838
Original Text Copyright (cc) 2013 by Sofalian, Behi
Data source : Google Scholar
QueryDate : 2016-12-24
Cites : 0
Evaluating Freezing Resistance
in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Using Molecular Markers and Some Physiological Traits
Omid Sofalian*, Maryam Behi
Plant Breeding
Department, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil 179, Iran
*E-Mail: Received March 3, 2013
To evaluate the freezing resistance and
genetic diversity in barley physiological traits, molecular markers and
their relationship in 20 barley genotypes were assessed in field and
greenhouse condition. The analysis of variance showed a significant
difference among studied genotypes. The effect of acclimation
temperature on prolin content, quantum efficiency of photosystem II,
chlorophyll and soluble sugars content were studied as physiological
traits. Freezing treatments were -4, -7, -10, -13 and -16°C
temperatures that applied in a 3 replicated randomized complete block
design. Then their lethal temperature at which 50% of plant were died (LT50) was determined. To estimate FSI (Field
Survival Index) index, the 20 genotypes were cultured in a separate
experiment on field with 3 replications. The results showed negative
significant correlation (-0.601) between field survival index and LT50. Cluster analysis using physiological
traits, genotypes of F-A1-1, F-A1-2, F-A2-11, F-GRB-85-5, Sahra,
Sahand, Dasht and Makouei were categorized in a distinct group and had
a high FSI and low LT50. Makouei cultivar having LT50=-17.66°C and the highest percentage of
winter survival in the field, was the most resistant genotype. 10 ISSR
markers from 35 primers sequences were selected and used. These 9 ISSR
primers produced 50 polymorphic bands. PIC and MI average index for all
primers were 0.37 and 1.72 respectively. Cluster analysis of molecular
data using Jaccard similarity coefficient categorized the genotypes to
four distinct groups. Associations between molecular markers and traits
were assessed by multiple regression analysis. Some informative markers
related to FSI and also LT50 was determined. So it may be possible
to use these markers for selection of resistant lines or genotypes in
breeding programs.