Journal of Stress Physiology &
Biochemistry, Vol.
8 No. 4
2012, pp. 90-97 ISSN 1997-0838
Original Text Copyright (cc) 2012 by Zhu, Wang
Data source : Google Scholar
QueryDate : 2016-12-24
Cites : 0
Comparative study on the
thermogenic mechanism in two rodents, Eothenomys
milletus and Apodemus
chevrieri in Hengduan Mountain region during cold exposure
Zhu Wan-long, Wang Zheng-kun *
of life Science of Yunnan Normal University, 650092, China
The thermogenic mechanisms were
measured in the two small rodents, Eothenomys
milletus and Apodemus
chevrieri in Hengduan mountain region during cold exposure. The
main results were as follows: 1. RMR and NST incredsed 68.34%, 36.34%
during the cold exposure in E.
miletus, RMR and NST incredsed 32.84%, 56.17% during the cold
exposure in A. chevrieri,
respectively. 2. During cold exposure, total protein content in liver,
the total protein content (TP) and mitochodrnal protein content (MP) in
brown adipose tissue (BAT), the content of uncoupling protein (UCP1)
were increased in E. miletus,
which increased 18.66%, 25.18%, 70.01%, 99.39%, respectively. Total
protein content in liver, the total protein content (TP) and
mitochodrnal protein content (MP) in brown adipose tissue (BAT), the
content of uncoupling protein (UCP1) were increased in A. chevrieri, which increased
18.11%, 33.29%, 34.51%, 235.95%, respectively. All of the results
indicated that the mechanism of heat production for adaptative changes
was similar in two rodents, but it showed different increased amplitude
of heat production, it may considered that the difference of heat
production was related to origin of species and inhabitats. Key
words: Eothenomys miletus; Apodemus chevrieri; adaptive
thermogenesis; cold exposure