Journal of Stress Physiology &
Biochemistry, Vol.
8 No. 4
2012, pp. 169-178 ISSN 1997-0838
Original Text Copyright (cc) 2012 by Khare, Desai, Kumar
Data source : Google Scholar
QueryDate : 2016-12-24
Cites : 2
Effect of MgCl2
stress on germination, plant growth, chlorophyll content, proline
content and lipid peroxidation in sorghum cultivars
Tushar Khare§, Dnyanada
Desai§, Vinay Kumar*
of Biotechnology, Modern college of Arts, Science and Commerce,
Ganeshkhind, Pune –411 053, INDIA
§ Both authors contributed equally to this work
Present report deals with the
effect of increasing levels (0-300 mM) of MgCl2 salt on
sorghum cultivars, Phule Vasudha and Phule Revati. Although MgCl2 stress did not show considerable
adverse effects on germination, however, at higher (>200 mM)
concentrations, the seedlings turned brown and did not showed any
further growth, with comparably higher magnitude of negative effects on
Phule Revati than Phule Vasudha. Overall, increasing MgCl2 stress reduced plant growth and biomass
production significantly in both the cultivars, though with lesser
extent in Phule Vsudha as compared to Phule Rvati. Contrasting behavior
was evidenced in both the cultivars in terms of protein content under
varying levels of MgCl2 concentration at vegetative growth
level, where salinity induced reduction in protein content was higher
in Phule Revati than Phule Vasudha. The genotype Phule Vasudha showed
higher proline content under non-saline condition. MgCl2 stress-induced proline accumulation was
observed in both the sorghum cultivars, however, interestingly, Phule
Revati (439% of control plants) showed comparably higher proline
content than Phule Vasudha (324% of control plants) at the highest (300
mM) level of stress. Even though, malondialdehyde (MDA: lipid
peroxidation indicator) content was on higher side under non-saline
conditions in cultivar Phule Vasudha as compared to cultivar Phule
Revati, however the rate of increase in MDA with increasing salt stress
was much higher in the latter cultivar, indicating the comparably
higher level of lipid peroxidation under the influence of MgCl2 stress. The salt tolerance nature of
Phule Vasudha was positively correlated with its better performance in
terms of physiological and biochemical parameters. Key
words: Sorghum, MgCl2 stress, proline, lipid peroxidation,
protein content