Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry, Vol. 7, No. 4,
2011, pp. 446- 456. ISSN 1997-0838
Original Text Copyright (cc) 2011 by Grabelnych, Pobezhimova, Korzun, Voznenko, Koroleva, Pavlovskaya, Borovik, Voinikov
The participation of cyanide-resistant respiration in heat
generation and antioxidative defense of cell in winter wheat shoots
under cold influence
Grabelnych O.I.1, T.P. Pobezhimova1, A.M. Korzun1, S.A. Voznenko2, N.A. Koroleva1, N.S. Pavlovskaya1, O.A. Borovik1, V.K. Voinikov1
1 Siberian Institute of
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Siberian Division RAS, 664033 Irkutsk, Russia
2 Irkutsk State University, Suhe-Batora St., 5, Irkutsk, 664003(Russia)
Received October 28, 2011
It was shown, that
activation of the cyanide-resistant respiration by treatment of 30 mkM
antimycine A and 10 mM hydrogen peroxide during 24 hours induced the
intensification of heat generation by tissues of winter wheat shoots
and decreased death of shoots under subsequent action of freezing
temperature -6 0C (3 hours). At the same time the
activation of alternative pathway in winter wheat shoots under
long-term action of low temperature effectively prevented the reactive
oxygen species (ROS) production in electron transport chain (ETC) of
mitochondria, which was induced by oxidizing substrate and antimycine A.
Key words: alternative oxidase / heat generation / reactive oxygen species / low temperature stress / Triticum aestivum L.