Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry, Vol. 7, No. 4,
2011, pp. 387- 397. ISSN 1997-0838
Original Text Copyright (cc) 2011 by Sunita Danai-Tambhale, Vinay Kumar and Varsha Shriram
Differential Response of Two Scented Indica Rice (Oryza sativa) Cultivars under Salt Stress
Sunita Danai-Tambhalea, Vinay Kumarb and Varsha Shriramc*
aDepartment of Botany, Annasaheb Magar Collage, Hadapsar, Pune – 411 028, INDIA;
bDepartment of Biotechnology, Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Ganeshkhind, Pune – 411 053, INDIA
cDepartment of Botany, Ramkrishna More College, Akurdi, Pune – 411 044, INDIA
Received October 19, 2011
Present report deals with
the effect of varying (0 – 200 mM NaCl) salt stress on two popular
scented non-basmati type indica rice cultivars, namely Indrayani and
Ambemohar on germination and growth and biochemical parameters. In the
present investigation the effect of increasing salt stress was seen on
germination, biomass production and biochemical parameters including
total protein content, proline accumulation, starch content,
polyphenols levels, and reducing and non-reducing sugars. Contrasting
behavior was evidenced in both the cultivars in terms of germination
rate and biomass production at seedling and early vegetative growth
level. Salt stress-induced proline accumulation was observed in both
the cultivars, however, with much higher extent of proline accumulation
in Ambemohar than Indrayani. A salinity stress of 200 mM NaCl resulted
into 305% higher proline content than the control plants of Ambemohar
against 222% higher proline in Indrayani at the same stress level.
Similarly protein content was also higher in Ambemohar than Indrayani
at the highest stress level used in this study. Contrasting results
were seen in terms of starch content amongst both the cultivars, where
continuous decrease with increasing salt stress was observed in
Indrayani, on the other hand, an increase in starch content was evident
in Ambemohar under the influence of NaCl-induced salt stress. These
finding clearly indicates the comparably higher salt tolerant nature of
Ambemohar than Indrayani which might be attributed to higher proline,
protein and starch content than Indrayani cultivar under salt stress.
Key words: Scented rice/ salt stress/ proline/ protein/ polyphenols