Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry, Vol. 7, No. 4,
2011, pp. 347- 368. ISSN 1997-0838
Original Text Copyright (cc) 2011 by Mazid, Taqi and Firoz
Cytokinins, A classical multifaceted hormone in plant system
Mohd Mazid1*, Taqi Ahmed Khan2, Firoz Mohammad1
1Plant Physiology Division, Department of Botany, Faculty of Life Sciences, AMU, Aligarh, India. 202002.
2Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Life Sciences, AMU, Aligarh, India. 202002.
Telephone: +91-0571-2702016 Fax num: +91-0571-2706002
Received October 13, 2011
Today, owing to the
versatile functionality and physiological importance of the
phytohormone cytokinin (Ck) is a major focus of attention in
contemporary wide areas of plant science. Cytokinins (Cks) have
implicated in diverse essential processes of plant growth and
development as well as in regulation of key genes responsible for
the metabolism and activities of plants. Cytokinin interact in a
complex manner to control a myriad of aspects related to growth,
development and differentiation and its deficiency also causes
pleiotropic developmental changes such as reduced shoot and increased
root growth. Cytokinin signaling involves His Kinase receptors that
perceive cytokinin and transmit the signal via a multi-step
phosphorelay similar to bacterial two-component signaling system. Also,
this review present a scheme for homeostatic regulation of endogenous
cytokinins level in terms of the described mechanism of cytokinin
action including its receptors and steps involved in regulation of gene
expression at the post-transcriptional level and its role in whole
plant as well as cell division. In addition, we also demonstrate a wide
variety of biological effects including those on gene expression,
inhibition of auxin action, stimulation of cell cycle etc.
Key words: Plant hormone, Arabidopsis thaliana, response regulator, homeostasis, kinetin and histidine kinase